The Ninja's are almost ready for the public to experience NINJAGO! LEGOLAND California announced their opening date of NINJAGO World during a hard hat tour for members of the media.
General Manager Peter Ronchetti broke the news that May 5th, 2016 will be the official opening date for the park's highest priced land.
Led by Project Manager Chris Brzezicki, media were toured inside the show building of NINJAGO The Ride, a technology innovative attraction.
At you make your way through the temple, Master Wu teaches guests how to shoot fire balls, shockwaves, lighting and ice using the power of their hands.
To make this attraction a reality, LEGOLAND Parks brought on popular theme-park attraction manufacturer Triotech.
Through a number of different scenes your powers are tested as you fight villains.
The attraction ends with an epic battle involving numerous ride vehicles.
NINJAGO World opens May 5, 2016 at LEGOLAND California Resort. Subscribe to our YouTube for high quality videos.