On November 26, 2014 DreamWorks Animation's “The Penguins of Madagascar” hit theaters in the United States. It is 92 minutes long and is rated PG.
The movie begins when three young penguins, Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico, run away from their family of penguins to save an egg rolling away to the sea. After facing some dangers the three capture the egg and watch Private get hatched.
The scene jumps ahead to 10 years later. The four penguins get captured by a squid that wants to get revenge on penguins after losing his attention from people at the zoo when the penguins were newly added. Fortunately, the Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private get saved by Northwind, a top secret agency that protects animals. However, every other penguin has been captured from the squid so Northwind and the four penguins must fight back. Will the penguins be saved? Or will the squid’s plan succeed. Find out in “The Penguins of Madagascar”.
I recommend that you see this movie. It is hilarious. I give it a 9/10 only because some parts were too obnoxious. You will definitely laugh while watching this movie.
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