The stars of The LEGO Movie are back in another adventure, this time, exclusively at LEGOLAND Parks and Discovery Centers. "The LEGO Movie 4D A New Adventure" is a 12.5 minute short film directed by Rob Schrab, who will be making his directional debut in 2018 for "The LEGO Movie Sequel."
LEGOLAND California Resort kicked off their premiere of the 4D Adventure on Friday, February 5th with dozens of celebrities in attendance. Before making their way inside, they were treated to a Hollywood style red carpet, along with food and other amenities.
The film was action packed, including many special effects such as water, smoke and light. There is also one part in the show that involves the audience helping Emmet and Wildstyle to complete their mission.
"The LEGO Movie 4D A New Adventure" is a show for the entire family. Be sure to check it out on your next trip to LEGOLAND California.
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