Thursday, August 30, 2012

D23 Expo vs. Comic Con

Two great conventions to go to are Comic Con and the D23 Expo!

The D23 Expo is a convention for all Disney fans. Comic Con is a convention for lots of people into different things.

The crowds at Comic Con are huge. Everywhere you go, you are flooded with people all around you. Even outside the convention center it is packed! The crowds at the D23 Expo can get a little big. In the morning before it opens a lot of people are outside. After everyone gets in, no one is ever outside. Sometimes only a few people.

Everyone is outside because Comic Con puts a lot of stuff out there. It is called Lawn-Con and this year they had all of the Bat-mobiles from every live movie and television show. The D23 Expo does not have much inside, but sometimes a few things are on display.

Comic Con is every year. The D23 Expo is every other year.

So what do you think. They are two great conventions.

GO COMIC-CON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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